Monday, 30 April 2012

What I learnt

What I learnt from 3D conference and Penrose Market

In June, we will be filming a live broadcast called "The Degree Show". It's a collaboration of all the different degrees at Ravensbourne, including fashion shows and lots of filmed . As the engineers, we are tasked to put the show on freeview, and make sure everything the producers want to do is possible.

My job is line, as that's the role I took on during the 3D conference and Penrose Market I've blogged about before. From doing these, I have learnt a lot I can take forwards.

1) Cables fail.
Over the course of the shows, I have a ridiculous amount of cables fail on me. This has taught me the importance of redundancy. Instead of running around trying to find new cables to replace broken ones, I will make sure I set aside different cables, so I can find and replace cables fast and efficiently.

2) Planning is everything.
Detailed planning is essential. You and your colleagues must be on the same wavelength as part of a team, and to do that, they must fully understand the plan.

3) Test, test and then test again!
Cables must be put through rigorous tests to make sure they are durable for the task.We found that a lot of BNC connections that some of the engineers attached to the coax, weren't crimped properly, meaning when attached to the wallbox, they were easily pulled apart, or enough to make the connection dodgy. We need to make sure any cables we use are up to scratch quality wise.

I've definitely taken a lot more, but these are the main things that stood out for me

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